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    What to Expect

    Your MRI Technologist will ask you to remove all jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aide, dentures, credit cards, or any other metallic objects not listed. These may affect the quality of the images or cause harm when placed within the magnetic field. An MRI is a non-invasive procedure- you will feel no pain from the magnetic field or radio waves used for the MRI test. You may, however, hear loud noises from the machine from time to time. This is normal, and we will offer you ear plugs or headphones to sound out these noises. It is important to lie as still as possible. Movement may cause poor image quality and require a repeat of the exam. You can bring a prescription sedative

    What are the risks of getting MRI?

    There are no known biological risks to humans from being exposed to magnetic fields of the strength used in medical imaging today. Therefore, the MRI exam poses almost no risk to the average patient when appropriate safety guidelines are followed. The strong magnetic field used in MRI is not harmful in itself, but medical devices that contain metal may malfunction or be a hazard during an MRI. You will be screened to ensure your safety. First consult with your doctor. If your doctor clears you for an MRI exam, an authorization form must be completed by your referring physician(s), including your OBGYN, in advance of your appointment. The interpreting radiologist will then review the case and consult with your physician(s), if necessary.

    What are the alternatives to an MRI?

    Although MRI defines detail differently than other imaging modalities, on occasion alternative tests can be performed. Among others, these include CT scan, bone scan, arthrography, and ultrasound.

    What can I expect before my MRI exam?

    • An exam will last about 30 minutes per body part and requires no special preparation. You can eat normally and take any medications as you are prescribed by your doctor. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing with no metal snaps, zippers, etc. If you are pregnant or have anything metallic in your body, please let us know ahead of time as an MRI may not be safe for you. Please arrive to your appointment at least 15 minutes early in order to complete required paperwork and allow us to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

    What if I might be pregnant?

    Most studies suggest there are no harmful effects from MRI during pregnancy. That said, our cautious approach is that MRI should only be performed during the first trimester when there is a clear and urgent indication. Less urgent studies can be deferred until later in pregnancy or until after delivery. The decision of whether or not to scan a pregnant patient is made on a case-by-case basis with consultation between the MRI radiologist and the patient’s physician. The benefit of performing the scan must outweigh the risk, however small, to the fetus and mother.

    Is transportation available?

    If you have been injured in a car accident and currently have no reliable transportation please contact our office to see how we can help you.

    I be able to drive after I have the exam?

    A: Yes. The MRI has no known physiological side effects. However, if you have taken a sedative, there may be some restrictions

    Does it hurt? Will I feel anything?

    A: You won´t feel a thing.It is not painful and you will be able to resume your daily life once finished.

    Can a Friend or Family Member be in the Room with me During the Exam?

    In most cases, yes. Accompanying guests will be required to fill out an MRI screening form to make sure they are not pregnant and are free of any metallic objects on or inside their body.

    Stay in Touch

    Contact Us


    1405 W. Colonial Dr., Suite B-2,Orlando FL 32804


    Monday 9AM – 6PM
    Tuesday 8AM – 5PM
    Wednesday 8AM – 5PM
    Thursday 9AM – 6PM
    Friday 8AM – 5PM
    Saturday-Sunday Closed



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    2025 - All rights reserved. If you are in need of a MRI contact you doctor to receive a referral.
    Once you have received the referral contact a diagnostic imaging center