Today, radiography and MRI are considered unique methods of examination. Thanks to such innovations, medicine has made a leap into the future and now we can safely detect pathologies not only at the last, but also at the earliest stages. This gives you a chance to start immediate treatment and eliminate the threat to life. Although MRI is the best method for diagnosing the body, it still has its side effects. However, in order not to mislead you, we will give a few examples compiled on the basis of experts, one way or another, we will refer to their opinion.
There is a myth about magnetic resonance imaging and it is such that first of all it is radiation. This myth is based on the fact that the method is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. We should immediately rule out such an opinion, because the system definitely has no connection with nuclear reactors. Also note that magnetic resonance imaging is not associated with ionizing radiation or the introduction of any radioactive substances.
The diagnostic methods themselves are among the best in the field of research, so CT and MRI are very different in this regard. Several factors for comparison of these methods:
1. When x-rays you are exposed to the flow of ions. Since the power is not very active, one session will not do you any harm. The radiation dose is extremely safe. MRI has no ion radiation at all (as mentioned above)
2. The тactics of radiology is such that the radiation dose when receiving plus. It is strongly not recommended to use it a large number of times in a short period of time. Radiation doses accumulate and if you resort to repeated examination, a negative effect will occur. The negative effects of the previous dose simply will not have time to be exhausted. Over time, the tissues are restored, and if you repeat the ionizing effect often, cells and tissues can be damaged. Magnetic resonance imaging can be performed much more often, but you should take into account the contrast passage, we will talk about this in the next paragraph.
3. Both methods are hardware-based, but they are based on completely different physical processes. With an MRI, you are not in danger of harmful effects even if you repeat the procedure, and it has absolutely no ionizing radiation. However, we take into account the method of contrast passing.
What is MRI with contrast?
Contrast agent – a substance that is used for a more detailed study of internal formations and anomalies. This procedure allows you to get the exact size of neoplasms and determine the foci of inflammation.
The substance is soon quickly removed from the body and also does not carry any negative consequences.
There are minimal statistics of cases where MRI carries the manifestation of side effects after the procedure: skin rash, headache, slight dizziness.
According to experts, such complications are observed only in 0.1 % of cases and are associated with individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects are extremely rare and pass quickly.
MRI is definitely not harmful, as well as radiation and ionizing radiation. The only thing is that this type of diagnosis has its own contraindications. The operation of the MRI is based on the influence of magnetic fields and people with: metal implants, a neurostimulator, dental prostheses and vascular clips are not allowed to undergo it.
In other cases, our specialists will always tell you how to undergo an MRI examination correctly and give you the necessary recommendations, accompanying you through the entire stage of passing.